Sunday, 20 April 2014


It's taken months but after several food related breakdowns, the acquisition of a bread maker, and reassuring trips to Barcelona, Berlin and northern Italy, I am finally much more comfortable eating out and more importantly am properly enjoying food again.

The mere thought of even venting my frustrations the last few months was mentally exhausting.

Italy, I was surprised to discover and very pleased to report, was so very Coeliac friendly, with more shelf space devoted to gluten-free items than any grocery store I've been to in the U.K./ North America and all restaurant staff I encountered being very knowledgable and accomodating of the gluten intolerance. I was floored but very grateful considering the difficulty I often have with restaurants in the U.K. where I am not impeded by a language barrier. It is obvious that the Italian health ministry has been very proactive about raising awarenss. While alternatives in small Italian restaurants might be minimal, restaurant staff were always able to provide assortments of grilled meat (if they are made aware of an intolerance, they will not coat these in flour, which is a staple of Italian cooking) with side salad and a lovely risottos when available, which they were able to guarantee were gluten free.

We ate at Ristorante Pizzeria la Pentolaccia on Via Caduti del Gatta a number of times; if you happen to be driving through the Reggio Emilia region, I would highly recommend it. Absolutely lovely and amazing value.

The fact that my even my grandmother understood and took the time to buy gluten free flour, pasta and adjust some of her tried and tested recipes in anticipation of my arrival was a blessing and I left feeling well and properly full and loved as anyone should feel after a trip to Italy.

Now that I am feeling less daunted by all this, I will conquer whatever other obstacles are impeding my sense of fullfilment in life. This shall include tackling languages that have played a somewhat significant part in my life but that I have yet to master: Italian and C++.

posted from Bloggeroid

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