Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Jackpot Mainland Europe

Finding an expansive and well-stocked shop of gluten free items both new and familiar is bliss.

The Vitalia health food store in Alexanderplatz S-Bahn station in Berlin is a right gold mine of gluten free food. Thanks to my friend kookaberries, whom I was going to visit in Berlin, who in turn linked me to the wonderful Gluten Frei Berlin blog, this little gem of a shop did not go overlooked. Stocking a very wide range of Dr Schär products - who are the parent company of the Dietary Specials brand in the UK - I quickly regretted traveling with only hand luggage as I could have easily stocked a suitcase of goodies to bring home. I was quite impressed with their variety of frozen goods, breads and flours in such a compact location; the latter, in particular an all-purpose flour blend by Schär, was used to create a luscious lemon meringue pie.

Imagine my sheer excitement when 2 months later I find the same range and diversity of products in Italy, everywhere from a positively massive gluten-free aisle at the Coop megastore in Modena to the tiny local grocery store in a town of 1000 people. From Barilla's own gluten free pasta range (oh how I've missed your assorted shapes!) to Schär's special Savoiardi biscuits, with which I will attempt to create a Tiramisu.

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