Thursday, 18 December 2014


Millet, you are one thirsty grain! My new favourite weekend breakfast, and a brilliant substitute for anyone on the fence about oats. Toasted slightly to lend a wonderully smoked, nutty flavour, and then simmered in a 3:1 ratio of liquid to grains. I certainly don't have the patience to keep a mindful eye on the stove top for half an hour on a week day; it's amazing enough that I (aim to) make it out for three 5K runs at 6:00 a.m during the week. But I take the time over the weekend as it's effectively filling after a long run, being high in energy and iron. I'm probably not hydrating properly if the millet is drinking up more than I am.

Next step: brewing with millet!

Monday, 8 December 2014


A 12 mould mini doughnut tray has proved to be investment of the season! There is a bit of a production line feel to making mini doughnuts: dispense, bake, butter, roll in sugar, repeat. Take 1 was gluten-free cider doughnuts using reduced cloudy, pressed apple juice. The recipe used generated a staggering 4 dozen mini-doughnuts so they were unleashed onto colleagues and quite a hit. It'll be an asset for the fundraising.
#Glutenfree cider doughnuts

While my appetite for savoury, spicy, and aromatic foods trounces my sweet tooth, attempt two will be to make something without cinnamon to cater to the odd few who have an aversion to the spice. Vanilla buttermilk with a frosting of some sort, I'm thinking, which in turn means I'm thinking of icing sugar on every imagineable surface.