Monday, 19 January 2015


My morning runs have morphed into evening runs. So instead of waking up in the dark to run 3 miles, I get home from work in the dark to run 5 miles. I actually rather enjoyed starting my day with a brief jaunt around the marina; by 8:30 am last Friday, I was ready to start my workday having already run 3 miles and found a new place to live (leaky ceiling, long story) but I cannot justify waking up even earlier to permit for the increased mileage.

My long weekend runs are still slated for a morning start but I almost always faff about for ages to the point that I am terribly annoyed when I get to Tower Bridge and it is chock-a-block with people and their selfie-sticks mid afternoon. One might think I am nuts for crossing at Tower Bridge but I really do love the loop down to the Greenwich Foot Tunnel and back home - with added loops around Southwark Park. My only other crossing option is Rotherhithe Tunnel, which is a carbon-monoxide deathtrap.

There has not been much on the gluten-free baking front, save for the fact that I started adding plain yoghurt to my bread mix as a substitute for about a third of the required water and the texture is remarkably better; the whey protein must truly help.

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