Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Training Update

My weekday runs took a bit of a hit when life threw a curveball and we had to move at short notice. A 5 minute jaunt up-stream in the same postcode, we have a new flat and training is back on schedule. Am rather enjoying running part way home from work some evenings; admittedly only 5K but it saves me going all the way home only to go right back out, which was fine last summer, but less enticing in the dreary and damp London winter.

Weekend runs have been ace. My pace over long distances is getting slower and even over short diatances, I am nowhere near my personal bests of last summer, perhaps due to the extra layers in "winter" and the backpack in the evenings. But in terms of endurance, I feel great. Coming home from a long weekend run to the smell of a fresh gluten-free loaf of bread is truly encouraging. Half of it is inevitably inhaled within 10 minutes of emerging from the shower.

All for a great cause! Support and donations for Coeliac UK welcomed and my thanks shall be expressed in the form of doughnuts!

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