Thursday, 26 March 2015

Hot Stuff

Exercising my green thumb this year thanks to the lovely folk over at South Devon Chilli Farm. I sowed some Fresno chilli seeds a month ago and just potted the seedlings on into temporary makeshift pots. They are a little spindly but I'm hoping the mothership sporting a 6400k compact fluorescent bulb will lend the extra light they need until the Spring days get longer. Next up in the propagator, Espelette chillies, which might be the crop to dry out for use over winter.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Stay disconnected

Training definitely had a few setbacks last week. I had every intent of gracing my usual route home from work with my exhausted but determined presence Tuesday evening. Stretching at Tower Hill, just about ready to set off, an email from a friend about a #RebelX invite rerouted me towards the ever glamorous Elephant & Castle. A mandatory change into a boiler suit, a laser etched dog tag, free cider, and an hour of techno in a studio under the railways meant to either be a new age Mos Eisley Cantina or a club in the tunnels of the ice planet Hoth, and we had a free ticket to Secret Cinema's forthcoming Empire Strikes Back event Making a point of running home every remaining evening this week.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Taking Pi to the limit

This was the first weekend I took off from training in a long while, it being my birthday, ultimate Pi day, and all. 3.1415; to all those trying to round up for next year, how dare you round Pi! For mathematical shame! I hosted (what I hope was) an inaugural Pi(e) Night wherein guests came round to eat pie and drink whisky and wine. A homemade pie wasn't required for entry, let alone for it to be gluten-free, but my friends are undeniably amazing and most of them did hit both nails on the head. Anyone who didn't, brought booze, which made for a wonderully indulgent Saturday night and I will likely have a dry month from now until April 12th.

I made the executive decision to forego another 3 hour run and spend 10 hours in the kitchen instead.

Behold, a glimpse of the night's offerings. Pork pies, both large and small, vegetarian curry pot pie, a cheeky pizza pie, sweet potato pie, a Mississippi mud pie, a raw, vegan, blueberry pie, and mini lemon meringue pies. All gluten-free! There was also an apple pie and cheesy puff pastries that were only eye candy for me but smelled divine. May I re-iterate how outstandingly wonderful and supportive  the people in my life are?

Recipes to follow!

Thursday, 12 March 2015

20 Mile Breach

That next 20 mile run I mentioned in my previous post? It happened. So many weekends in a row of intense mileage and surpassing previous distance records, but I think I hit a bit of a mental block this time around. Not a physical wall per se but I know my bluntness around mile 17 when I uttered something along the lines of never wanting to run again was just a sign of dehydration; I know why fluids are imperative. I know my body, I believe it can go all the way, and I know my mind, too stubborn to quit. Wate, a running gel, and more water, and away went the haze of disillusionment and I powered on for another 3 miles.

Speaking of running gels, at the recommendation of a colleague, I've tried Lucozade Elite Running Gels, which have sat well so far. I suppose the way maltodextrin is processed is not dissimilar to distilled alcohols, so they are coeliac friendly as far as I can gather and, more importantly, feel. My initial intent was to run au naturel, with just water and maybe a 9 Bar (seeded bars of goodness, my go-to snack of choice) but as I increase mileage and approach the dreaded wall, I see the physiological benefits of the running gels so I might pack two in my back pocket on the big day.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

A lil late night ginger

New flat, new problems. Heating element for the fan component is not working, which was quite disconcerting when I had batter ready for gluten-free spiced carrot and ginger muffins at 11:00 pm but also a notable amount of stubborness to persevere and keep my promise to bring treats as fundraising incentives to work the following day.

Using the grill and convection microwave, I managed to get the lot done 3 hours later, to a respectable standard, and they went down well. We'll see how the next 20 mile training run goes tomorrow and whether I can stay on my feet long enough afterwards to bake something coffee flavoured. Still fundraising for Coeliac UK, and I've even raised my target, click here to donate!