Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Taking Pi to the limit

This was the first weekend I took off from training in a long while, it being my birthday, ultimate Pi day, and all. 3.1415; to all those trying to round up for next year, how dare you round Pi! For mathematical shame! I hosted (what I hope was) an inaugural Pi(e) Night wherein guests came round to eat pie and drink whisky and wine. A homemade pie wasn't required for entry, let alone for it to be gluten-free, but my friends are undeniably amazing and most of them did hit both nails on the head. Anyone who didn't, brought booze, which made for a wonderully indulgent Saturday night and I will likely have a dry month from now until April 12th.

I made the executive decision to forego another 3 hour run and spend 10 hours in the kitchen instead.

Behold, a glimpse of the night's offerings. Pork pies, both large and small, vegetarian curry pot pie, a cheeky pizza pie, sweet potato pie, a Mississippi mud pie, a raw, vegan, blueberry pie, and mini lemon meringue pies. All gluten-free! There was also an apple pie and cheesy puff pastries that were only eye candy for me but smelled divine. May I re-iterate how outstandingly wonderful and supportive  the people in my life are?

Recipes to follow!

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